
ACRP was established as a support service to churches, ministry training institutions and Christian ministries in and outside South Africa with the following purposes:

  • To provide a formal professionalisation service to Christian religious practitioners by a professional body which is formally recognised by SAQA in terms of the National Qualifications Framework Act 67 of 2008, and for the formal registration of persons in the profession by the professional body.
  • To develop a training dispensation that will guarantee that all pastors and ministry leaders will have access to affordable, accredited and quality assured ministry training - with a particular focus on the needs of churches and ministries that did not have access to accredited formal training in the past.
  • To provide for the formal recognition of the pastoral and spiritual counselling profession by a professional body which is formally recognised by SAQA in terms of the National Qualifications Framework Act 67 of 2008, and for the formal registration of persons in the profession by the professional body.

The ultimate aim is, through this, to contribute to the building of the Kingdom of God and to the healing of communities in South Africa and wider.