Activities recognised by ACRP for CPD

Activities recognised for random CPD purposes

Activities recognised for structured CPD purposes

The calculation of points for structured CPD points is one CPD point per 10 notional hours of formal training activities, as determined by the training provider, which means 20 credits are equal to 200 notional hours of training per annum. The structured CPD programme and calculation of notional hours should include theoretical content as well as the related practical work and related workplace exposure as identified in the curriculums the programmes should be aligned with. The outcome of the CPD activities must be reported to ACRP in the same format that QCTO or the relevant body requires for the reporting of results for qualifications. Workplace exposure must be reported in a structured manner as indicated in the relevant curriculum - to be stipulated in an agreement with the relevant workplace.

The following are recognised as structured CPD activities:

  • Attending, and successfully completing the assessments of, a SAQA accredited ministry / theology qualification that leads to a higher designation.
  • CPD activities and assessments that are aligned with the knowledge, practical skills and workplace components of the QCTO accredited NQF Level 2 and/or 5 ministry curriculums, or with other CHE accredited ministry qualifications on higher NQF levels.
  • Other training programmes that form a strong basis for ministry development, and which could be linked through a process of RPL to parts of an accredited qualification.

Note: For structured CPD programmes that are aligned with components of the NQF Level 2 or 5 ministry or counselling curriculums, the smallest unit of the curriculum that needs to be covered over time by a provider is a complete “knowledge module”, together with the relevant “practical skills modules” (including the associated practical skills and applied knowledge components), and a “work experience module”. The intention is that an ACRP affiliate enrolling for this CPD programme, will gain CPD credits that will later be available for RPL towards the relevant qualification.